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Spicy Chicken Pepper Roast

                               Spicy Chicken Pepper Roast

                      Spicy Chicken Roast. This Dish is real treat for chicken lovers..


500 gms chicken with r without bone

1 tbs butter

2 Onion, 

3 Dry chilies 

1 Tomato

3 tbs oil 

1 cloves + cinnamon 

 1 stand of curry leaves 

1/4 tbs Fennel seeds 

1 tbs Gram masal 

3 tsp of freshly crushed garlic

1 tsp of freshly crushed ginger

1 tsp  Fried Onion

For Marinade:

4 tbsp of curd
1/2 tsp of turmeric powder
2 tsp of chilli powder
1 tsp pepper powderlemon juicesalt to taste



In a Bowl add  washed chicken  without any water 

Add curd 

Add 1 spoon of  ginger , garlic paste  

Add lemon juice

pinch of  Turmeric

 salt to taste

Add pepper powder and mix very well and keep aside for 15 mints

Mean while heat a pan  add oil and our spices into hot pan  

Add chopped onion  fry till it turns  golden brown, add tomato as 


when both onion and tomato cooked  add gram Masal and stir very

 well in low flame

Finally add fried onions into hot pan and keep aside til it get cool 


In same pan add Butter , wait till  butter get melting

Once butter ready add our marinate chicken into the butter and stir

 it well

Lid on for 5 mints after we can see water loosing from chicken

 cook lid off for 5 mints or  water escape 

Other side take our masal  mixer into the blender make fine paste 

Add our masal paste into chicken if you want gravy u can more

 totally upto you 

Let them boil without lid , in medium flame  once Moisturize

 escaped  add pepper powder  

Finally add curry leaves ,coriander leaves stir very well 

Make it dry  Goes well with chapati,rice even side dish!!

Enjoy !!!


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